Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Black cherry vanilla oatmeal bath salt

So for Valentine’s day this year I work with all woman at my new job and my mind was reeling for things to do.... most are dieting so sweets were out the question. I wanted to do personalized pictures, cups, coasters etc but only knowing them a month posed problems in all those areas not knowing too much about them. SOOOOOO, bath salts is what I came up with!!!


   I've been collecting bottles for crafts I just knew I'd need them for... lol my husband now just shakes his head at the growing collection which is not bad at about 20ish bottles. Either way I knew I needed to find a use for some of them and FAST!! These particular ones I got from the restaurant one night after "detailing".. (no I didn’t steal them for all unknowing readers, I work in a restaurant as well!) anyway, as I was tossing the empty Heinz 57 bottles in the trash I quickly saw potential and rescued them right back!! And yeah trust me, plenty of crazy looks from my co workers as well for some reason they didn’t see what I saw! Well look who is laughing now? With just a little love and lots of scrubbing these babys were just what I needed!

I supper glued a small muffin wrapper on the lid that I had left over from my cupcakes I cooked the day before or I would have used fabric however I thought these did nicely, filled with my home made salt and then HAD to spruce them up and add hand painted initials on all of them (easier too since there are 9 total)
I mean really how fun is that!!!???? You could use stickers, stencil, etch the glass to be extra fancy or just leave them plain. I free handed all the girls first intials with just some craft paint but what you do at this point is all up too you!!


Alright now i gave those away but can you guess these???

 If that doesnt look like LOVE what does????? :)


Ok, well in case you couldnt tell, the larger two are apple butter jars, the skinny one hot sauce and well, u got me I bought the last one... thats my special one for my momma!!! I have some jelly jars that are square too that will be adorable for the next go around but really any old container will do just be creative... and as you see you dont have to spend lots of money on "special glass containers" you find in stores but by all means you can!

Anyway, enough about the jars and now on to the salts!! I picked my scents to my theme... and my co workers are on diets so I wanted something "sweet"... hehe how bout a bath full of calories after a long day at work?? ok, not really but that was my thinking... so I did a Black cherry and vanilla Oatmeal soak/salt.

If you have read one of my earllier post you know I LOVE to buy bulk so I went for a 10 lb bag of epsom salt at sam's for 6 bucks... oh yeah!!! I picked up some essential oils that I thought would smell nice too and a thing of sea salt. The mixture I chose was about 1/2 cup of sea salt to 2 cups of epsom. So here is what I did....
  • 2 cups epsom salt
  • 1/2 cup sea salt
  • 15ish drops black cherry oil
  • 5ish drops vanilla oil
  • red food coloring
****It is important that you do not just drop in the food coloring and oil to the whole amount of salts... it will clump and not mix evenly. I found what worked best was use the measuring cup and combine it well there then add to the rest. I also had mine in a butter tub, sealed the lid tight then "shake, shake, shake"!!! Yep I was dancing around the kitchen during this process!! I feel that helps as well! Each time open the lid, "test" out the strength of the "flavor" and color.... and repeat process as many times as you need!!! I decided I wanted to add an extra Love to mine and took some oatmeal (not quick cooking) buzzed it in the food processor and added about 1/2 cup to my salts as well. This will add a mellow smell, texture and softness to the bath water!!!!!! YUMMY!!! Oh my goodness everytime I lifted that lid I did extra little happy dances!! Really the strength and scent is up to you and what you think the person would like. I didnt want mine TOO strong but then again not too weak. THE great thing is you can always add salt if you make it too strong (especially if you do like me and have enough)
   Yep so thats it, my "black cherry vanilla oatmeal bath soak" I dont know about you but I hear some hot water calling my name!! oh yes ofcourse I made a bit too much so I can enjoy all my hard work as well!!

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