Well HECK tic to say the least!! The new job has given me fits, not to mention all the changes. One day I'm suppose to do this, the next that and the next who knows!! My job title has now officially changed 4 times in 3 weeks and its a bit bewildering at best. I love it, the people, the job and really focused on being grateful for whatever opportunity they give me. I am praying that I can prove myself to also be what they want and do well at it. Anyway, here's hoping!!!
Also, I quite Applebees last week because it was too long of hours and not enough money, especially for the drive. However, I still want/need a second job because "Job A" keeps going from full to part time. Either way I want the restaurant for some nights and weekends...... SO I find out Monday if I am going back to Sammy's!! Pray!!!
One thing I am trying dearly to focus on myself.... hear me out!! I cant base my life on the what if's, she did, well because of that, if only, its their fault and what have you.... in the end ALL I can change is ME. Life happens as it may, My reaction to that should directly reflect God and His will (in a perfect situation). I have by far yet to perfect this but am working on it, ME, MYSELF AND I, needs a lot of work... and by that I mean a lot to let go of. Stress is not of God, anxiety, shortness and even just not displaying a smile through it all..... I feel I have been pretty easy going However, not sure if what I know is on the inside is being displayed on the outside.... that means, too much of me is still in control and I dont want that. SO THIS WEEK, I am going to try to really let go and take each hour (I might set a timer or alert or something) to say a quick prayer, evaluate, and refocus.
I am not saying I have been bad or have lost my handle or anything.... but really kinda thought to myself have my new coworkers been able to see God's ever so present hand through my actions? Have I been a window for Him, do they see HIM in me? I am not so sure, therefore prob NOT. And lets face it, our lives are sheer ciaos when left to our own deism's.... I dont need that!!!
SOOOOOO.... back to the ol saying.... LET GO AND LET GOD!!!! :)
Aw! Love this, girl! So true & awesome! Praying your job gets easier & stays full-time! :)