So church this morning was wonderful!! It was about the hunger for God and our decreased appetite for him. Why? because we fill up on junk. A wonderful point Pastor Terry made too..... we are wrong to pray for a deeper, richer or what have you "hunger for God" if we aren't feeling it. Hunger is natural! It will come. So so true because this hit home to me this week and honest to God in the shower this morning was praying I didnt feel "filled up" like I wanted.... OUCH on the pew when he stared talking!!! Honestly, we pray for a hunger for God, at least I have, but have I ever woken up and thought "oh my Lord please let me be hungry today, I have a date tonight"!!! BAHAAAA I wish... nope never fails Im starved before I get outta bed! However, if I am still hungry for that date depends on what I feed myself throughout the day. I know if we have dinner plans I typically wont eat all day so I am STARVED and have PLENTY of room for whatever we treat ourselves to for dinner, Josh however inevitability will have just eaten a bag of chips or a big lunch so he has a smaller appetite which irritates the POO outta me. But WOW is this how GOD feels? He has the best meal prepared for us all his blood, sweat and tears poured out to serve us and do we come full, half full or starved to the table? And what have we filled ourselves with that we dont have room for what he has in store for us? And then the icing on the cake is we have the nerve to say... hmmmm dont feel full of you God give me some hunger, as we stuff our face with a "chip" (aka, facebook, pintrest, phone calls, tv, shopping, sleeping, video games.... the list of junk food goes on). I am so very guilty of this especially since my new job. Even though He has done so many miracles and His hand has been so present in everything I have received i havent truly been filling up just on him. The early mornings have "prevented" me from doing my bible reading, afternoon and evening of course are busy and for some reason just never had time at night either... I am guilty of snacking on junk food. I should be waking up STARVING for his word. In the afternoon I should be CRAVING to taste His sweet love and mercy, and be ready to gorge myself in His feast in the evening as well... not to mention if I have time to snack on some bits of the word in between!!! So this week I am giving up the two biggest waste of my time that I love dearly... facebook and my newest obsession is Pintrest what fills up a lot of my time. I have to admit I knew it was taking too much of my time but this morning I knew God was coming down on me for that. I click on the app 20 times a day easy... my bible app... zero. Instead of browsing those searching for new crafts and what so and so is doing... I'll search the bible, new scriptures and what I need to be doing!!! Food wasnt the focus of the fast this week it is more of our times and actions so I am looking forward to it..... and to being very hungry!!
On that note I know its horrible but I could no longer resist a king cake!!! I swear tonight it just jumped right out in my buggy!!! hehe... Im sending it to work with Josh, Ive had my fix now back to the "good stuff"!!!! but YUMMMMM,.... Bavarian cream (for some reason I thought that was chocolate too, but no worries I added my own!!) and toffee icecream!!!! Ok so Ill wake up hungry tomorrow!! :)
Wow...that sounds like a great message! I'm sorry I missed it! And omg. KING CAKE... :)