The God thing is it forced me to TRUST in him and really rely on him in that season, love how he is so not subtle at times. Funny thing was at Sammys I worked 10-11 shifts a week and was Never off nor had a night off. For the new year I wanted to do some much needed re-evaluating and put my priorities right... God, family, personal... not all work and financial. I also wanted to get back to cooking and start reading for fun (a novel idea to me) but had no time. SO, he did that for me. Also, I REALLY want to get a job in my field (medical) and have been searching for that, but to no real avail yet.
The past 2 weeks I have had SO much time on my hands and have been able to actually spend more time with my husband than I have in 7 months combine... no lie! God also just granted my hearts desire last month and gave us a house which was an answer to prayer... I know he wouldnt let me lose that with the loss of a bad job anyways. But today as I leave work I had a missed call..... a JOB interview... for tomorrow... AND its medical and the best part HERE in central!!! Now I am by no means getting ahead of myself but WOW that would be great!!! I could still do both jobs and have more time home than I have been used too. Praying for sure about that and so so excited!!!
SO, jobs lined up.. check, Cooking more... double check... reading, check but on my last "hunger games" and due to my schedule I really wanted something inspirational/devotional. So at sams for my usual carrots, broc, cottage cheese run and I find "discovering joy in your Creativity"???? Oh yes Lord that is for me!! a 12 week devotional that inspires soul searching and creativeness in all areas of your life. How cool is that? I already thanking God for creating people so creative to make things like that for ME!! ;) I am on a roll!
God spoke to me in October (one year since Daddy went to heaven) and told me last year he carried me and he did 100% and I know people have poured love and prayers into my family, now this year it was time for me to walk and pour out into others. I have taken this past year to focus inward and learn how to breath, eat, sleep, talk, just really function. but now its time, he has worked miracles in me and I am proud to say I can now stand on my own two feet.
2012 holds new and endless possibilities. Some of which are me being selfless and giving more of my time, money and thoughts to others rather than focus on myself. I never thought of being a selfish person but if I am always doing what I want (be it sleeping in, cooking just for us, watching tv, staying home, shopping, ect) how is that not? Its not helping others, sooooo?
2012 I WILL:
- Put more effort to be less comfortable in daily living and each time think... hmmmm what else could i maybe do that would make someone else happy!!
- Cook, cook, cook. Cost will obviously limit me some but home cooked meals for me, my hubs, mom, paw-paw and whoever else God leads me too. Cooking is a gift and a passion of mine and its time I start using it as such.
- crafts. I know this sounds cheesy but the idea is to put my creativity to use. I am very thrifty and love to create just dont. well I want to be productive, see the works and have fun!! so knitting and who knows what else will follow in this area!! How many hours are spent in front of the Tv with nothing to show? too many, so tv off craftiness ON (in a good way)
- Exercise. I bought an elliptical so I didnt waste money on monthly gym memberships... now use it!! :)
- Point blank... I am a server, God created me as one and I need it to flow as freely outside of work as it does in.
- Let go and let God this year!!!
I LOVE this post!! YAY! You are awesome! Congrats on your job at Applebees & I will be praying for your interview in the medical field! Woohoo!! :) I love to cook, too! :)