Sunday, January 29, 2012


So church this morning was wonderful!! It was about the hunger for God and our decreased appetite for him. Why? because we fill up on junk. A wonderful point Pastor Terry made too..... we are wrong to pray for a deeper, richer or what have you "hunger for God" if we aren't feeling it. Hunger is natural! It will come. So so true because this hit home to me this week and honest to God in the shower this morning was praying I didnt feel "filled up" like I wanted.... OUCH on the pew when he stared talking!!! Honestly, we pray for a hunger for God, at least I have, but have I ever woken up and thought "oh my Lord please let me be hungry today, I have a date tonight"!!! BAHAAAA I wish... nope never fails Im starved before I get outta bed! However, if I am still hungry for that date depends on what I feed myself throughout the day. I know if we have dinner plans I typically wont eat all day so I am STARVED and have PLENTY of room for whatever we treat ourselves to for dinner, Josh however inevitability will have just eaten a bag of chips or a big lunch so he has a smaller appetite which irritates the POO outta me. But WOW is this how GOD feels? He has the best meal prepared for us all his blood, sweat and tears poured out to serve us and do we come full, half full or starved to the table? And what have we filled ourselves with that we dont have room for what he has in store for us? And then the icing on the cake is we have the nerve to say... hmmmm dont feel full of you God give me some hunger, as we stuff our face with a "chip" (aka, facebook, pintrest, phone calls, tv, shopping, sleeping, video games.... the list of junk food goes on). I am so very guilty of this especially since my new job. Even though He has done so many miracles and His hand has been so present in everything I have received i havent truly been filling up just on him. The early mornings have "prevented" me from doing my bible reading, afternoon and evening of course are busy and for some reason just never had time at night either... I am guilty of snacking on junk food. I should be waking up STARVING for his word. In the afternoon I should be CRAVING to taste His sweet love and mercy, and be ready to gorge myself in His feast in the evening as well... not to mention if I have time to snack on some bits of the word in between!!!  So this week I am giving up the two biggest waste of my time that I love dearly... facebook and my newest obsession is Pintrest what fills up a lot of my time. I have to admit I knew it was taking too much of my time but this morning I knew God was coming down on me for that. I click on the app 20 times a day easy... my bible app... zero. Instead of browsing those searching for new crafts and what so and so is doing... I'll search the bible, new scriptures and what I need to be doing!!! Food wasnt the focus of the fast this week it is more of our times and actions so I am looking forward to it..... and to being very hungry!!

On that note I know its horrible but I could no longer resist a king cake!!! I swear tonight it just jumped right out in my buggy!!! hehe... Im sending it to work with Josh, Ive had my fix now back to the "good stuff"!!!! but YUMMMMM,.... Bavarian cream (for some reason I thought that was chocolate too, but no worries I added my own!!) and toffee icecream!!!! Ok so Ill wake up hungry tomorrow!! :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

A week from......

Well HECK tic to say the least!! The new job has given me fits, not to mention all the changes. One day I'm suppose to do this, the next that and the next who knows!! My job title has now officially changed 4 times in 3 weeks and its a bit bewildering at best. I love it, the people, the job and really focused on being grateful for whatever opportunity they give me. I am praying that I can prove myself to also be what they want and do well at it. Anyway, here's hoping!!!
Also, I quite Applebees last week because it was too long of hours and not enough money, especially for the drive. However, I still want/need a second job because "Job A" keeps going from full to part time. Either way I want the restaurant for some nights and weekends...... SO I find out Monday if I am going back to Sammy's!! Pray!!!
One thing I am trying dearly to focus on myself.... hear me out!! I cant base my life on the what if's, she did, well because of that, if only, its their fault and what have you.... in the end ALL I can change is ME. Life happens as it may, My reaction to that should directly reflect God and His will (in a perfect situation). I have by far yet to perfect this but am working on it, ME, MYSELF AND I, needs a lot of work... and by that I mean a lot to let go of. Stress is not of God, anxiety, shortness and even just not displaying a smile through it all..... I feel I have been pretty easy going However, not sure if what I know is on the inside is being displayed on the outside.... that means, too much of me is still in control and I dont want that. SO THIS WEEK, I am going to try to really let go and take each hour (I might set a timer or alert or something) to say a quick prayer, evaluate, and refocus.
  I am not saying I have been bad or have lost my handle or anything.... but really kinda thought to myself have my new coworkers been able to see God's ever so present hand through my actions? Have I been a window for Him, do they see HIM in me? I am not so sure, therefore prob NOT. And lets face it, our lives are sheer ciaos when left to our own deism's.... I dont need that!!!
SOOOOOO.... back to the ol saying.... LET GO AND LET GOD!!!! :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Peppermint treats

Holy Goodness here we go!!!So for new years eve I just wanted a few simple snacks out that would be light and last. I had been eyeing something like this for a while and dying for the oppurntity to try it... i just knew i couldnt trust myself with a whole batch to myself or i would eat it all.... heehe but let me tell you i brought in the new years right polishing off this bowl anyway!!! :) Anyway... heres how...
 Pop one bag of popcorn, stick to whatever you like best. Light or plain will work just as much as that extra movie butter one!! On the stove melt 4 blocks of bakers chocolate, or a bag of whatever you like... mind you it was Christmas so I had an abundance of melting chocolate!!! Put in 1 stick of butter and a dash of salt. After that is melted throw in about 2 handfuls of your favorate marsh mellow... peppermint, mint chocolate, pumpkin spice... you name it!! Anyway, in a LARGE bowl add half the popcorn then pour half the melted mixture over it and toss. Continue with the rest. You can do it all at once i just find its easier to coat if you break it up, and believe me you want all those puffed peices covered in this scrumptious sauce. Then spread them over a greased cookie sheet. Sprinkly with salt and bake them at 275 for 20-25 min. Check and stir half was through to coat more evenly. When they are done take out and cool then ENJOY. These will have such a wonderful crispy texture and decident taste!!!! I like to add a little more salt to these sweet bites.... and trust me this is the best popcorn you have ever eaten!!!

Oh how I love bulk!!

Ok so I'm busted!!!
No i dont come from a big family, own a restaurant or lol even have kids but yes this kind of shopping and finds makes me so happy!! What you are looking at ..
  • a 27 oz can of el pato tomato sauce (aka WONDERFUL STUFF) josh loves this like salsa and it is great to use for great flavor in cooking. Normally buy the 4 -8 oz cans... Found this big guy for a buck!!!
  • 3 pound tub of cottage cheese... that is one of my many staples
  • ;) 6 jars of apple butter!! ok I didn't need to buy that many but great sale and who can have too much apple butter?
  • 3 lbs of broccoli this is also a weekly buy for me and to buy it like this is a steel ... i cant afford it from anywhere but Sams because of the sheer volume of veggies I eat!!
  • hehe, on that note... 5 pound bag of carrots!! I love it (normally I do the babys but they were out and for $2.98 really?)
  • 7 POUNDS of Ketchup.... for $3.48!!!!!
    Ok that was my trip to Sams which like I said I frequent about one a week or I can push it to once every two weeks if I pay attention to my veggie supply. Typically the trip is standard, spinach, broc, carrots, cottage cheese, gas and some sort of fruit. Mom and I also split alot of stuff which works great for both of us. However, some times I splurge on something or find a ridiculous deal.... in walks my ketchup!!!
Yes I am just walking along the very bare Sams because they are changing locations this week and this massive can of ketchup grabs my eye, at first I laugh and walk away then intrigued I go back to have a look... yup, just 3.48 for this monstrosity of a thing. Well I think, my husband does go though some ketchup so what the heck!!! Now mind you I rarely get a buggy at Sam's when I walk in because they are huge and a pain, however it never fails that I quickly regret it. As you can imagine I am juggling all the above in my arms... awkward and a heavy load to say the least!
    I had the lady a $20 get my 3 something bucks back for all my goodies and try like heck to make it to my car without dropping one or all of my grocieries. Its a 20 lb something load if you werent keeping track of the weights of these things!!!
    The funniest thing was when I got home and proudly showed my husband his "happy" (the ketchup). He often states that there isnt much I do that surprises him anymore as he is very used to my random buys and finds!!! But a 7 pound thing of ketchup was new!!
 I also got a 50 lb bag of dog food.... yep for this little guy!! gotta take care of my boys!!!

Anyways, thats it, just happy about my BIG buys and LITTLE prices!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Midnight snack

Ok I almost hate to admit this but ohhhhhh did i just find a treat!!! what do you make when you are hungry, want something light, filling, sweet, salty and just the thing to scratch that midnight craving??? Feast your eyes on the Pb and C sandwitch and almond and cranberry oatmeal!!!

PB & C Sammy

  • wheat roll slighty buttered and toasted
  • crunchy peanut butter
  • a chunk of white almond bark
  • heat for 22 seconds!!!

Almond and Cranberry Oatmeal
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup quickcooking oatmeal
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • dash of salt
  • 1 Tbs brown sugar
  • handful of craisins
simmer all ingrediants together in small saucepan for about 5-10 mins stirring to make sure it gets creamy then dip that bad boy up and ENJOY!!


Yes I'm sure u are asking what? And what the heck am I looking at? Well I had these nice little wheat dinner rolls which are the perfect size for any little Sammy in my opinion but I wanted something sweet as well. My first thought was dang I'm out of nutela so I created something even better!!! I just filled this little guy with a nice layer of crunchy peanut butter and then comes the show stopper....... A little slab of almond bark!!!!! Yep that melting stuff is great for other things than dipping strawberries in!!! I have been playing around with tons of ways to use it up (because lets just say I over bought during the Christmas hooray) but this is one of my favs!!! Anyway, so u slide that hunk on the pb Sammy and into the mic for about 15 secs. And out come this wonderful ooy gooy delicious treat!! The crunch of the peanut butter with the soft sweet bread... Well u will just have to try it!!! And the almond bark goes oh so nicely with the flavors and adds a unique twist to it!!!!

This would have satisfied my hunger but I got inspired by the almond flavor so took it a step further and made some oatmeal. Follow the directions of the quick cooking oats but adding some milk to it as well. Cook a bit longer stirring it constantly to get a creaminess out of the oats. I am all about texture and flavor so add some dried cranberries in the pot in the beginning so the can swell up and incorporate in the flavors, then the secret here is a nice splash of " almond extract"!!!!! Yes it is delish and ties the two dishes together in a perfect combo. Top with s sprinkle of brown sugar and dive in!!!!! Oh my belly was so happy. I know almond might think can be skipped up but trust me add that flavor!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


So the first BBLS was a HIT!!! Bish, Bourque, Lofin Sunday that is!! :) Josh, Mom, Paw-Paw and I gathered at our house after chuch this afternoon for some lunch and football, and a little nap was on the agenda for the paw paw as well, hehe. This is something I said at Christmas I wanted to start this year for many reasons. One to obviously spend more time as a family, get Paw paw out of the house, Josh away from his video games, Mom company for her "games" and me a reason to try new recipes just to name a few. The 3 of us typically did lunch on Wednesday but now with my new job my treasured Wednesdays with mom and Paw-paws are not an option as well so BBLS is VITAL!!! Anyway today was pretty laid back to say the least but they made it out about 1... mom bringing me a "happy" basket of fresh lemons, tomatillos, pablonos, bell pepper and cauliflower!! YUM for me!

I have never been a crockpot cooker in my life, I know its great easy and whatever im just more of the put it on the stove kinda girl. I guess I'm not a huge plan a head person either or patient... all reasons I dont use them often but with the Sundays Mom and Paw paw stressed about this being stressful for me LOL. So on that note its a PERFECT excuse to broaden my horizons and break out the ol crockpot, through the stuff in there and VOILA lunch is ready when we get out of church!!! After looking a several ideas Josh picked this one that I think would work good for everyone (which will be a small challenge to please all our pallets, calorie levels and taste). SO Chicken Chile was lunch with southern cornbread and loaded mash potato bites, and yes it was YUMMY!!! I got the first two off Pintrest (aka my crack) and the pots were my little idea. I did adjust a few things to suite us better and loved it!!! This is what I did.

Chicken and Turkey Creamed Chili

  • 1 can of rotel
  • 2 cans of corn (one reg, one creamed)
  • 2 cans of black beans
  • 1 4oz can of green chilies
  • 1 cup of salsa
  • 2 tbs chili powder
  • 2 tbs cumin
  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tbs minced garlic
  • 1 packet of ranch mix
  • 3 chicken breast
  • 1 cup shredded turkey (can be left out)
  • 1 1/2 blocks of fat free cream cheese

Mix dry ingredients in a small bowl together. Strain and rinse black beans. Dice green chilies. OK THATS IT!!! Put chicken in the bottom of the crock pot and dump all BUT the cream cheese on top. This does fill it up to the top so be careful but stir all the goodies together leaving the chicken nestled on the bottom. I did mine before church so turned that sucker on high and hit the door. Let me tell you when we walked in a few hours later the house wafted with spice and richness.

so i kicked off my shoes and as my lovely husband mopped the floors i got to making the cornbread.... here is the link and here is my finished product.....

I dont know if it was my oven or not but i did have to cook mine for about 10-12 mins longer before it was done in the center just FYI so check that toothpick!! I like alot of thing raw but cornbread I'm thinking NOT. This is the most airy, soft, moist and just sweet enough cornbread ever!! I mean no butter necessary kinda good here ladies!!! (although of course i used some) Just for future sake i will never NOT double this receipt!! An 8x8 pan barely lasted for the 4 of us... well my hubby quite literally ate half the pan but who wouldnt??? And when I made a comment (lol because i was secretly jealous) he sputters with a mouthful of crumbs, "what its GOOD!!!!" haha. So lesson learned, if you want extra or left overs DOUBLE!!

Next i made my loaded mash bites.... arent they too cute???? hehehe
Anyway, it was a hit and then we retired to the den to see who was going to make it to the super bowl!!! I am very not enthusiastic in this part but am much a comic relief to mom as she fusses about me NOT knowing such and such and so and so .... blah blah... hehe. I love my family, and now i love BBLS!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


[the rules]
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 11 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 11 new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag 11 people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!
[11 fun facts about moi]

1) I LOVE FOOD!!!!!! I dont know which one i like more creating it or eating it, however I do know I get the most satisfaction with giving it or having other people enjoy what I have made. I like to cook with the others interest first and foremost which does mean about 90% of what I cook I dont love myself... or what I would choose but I make it for others. I also dont cook small meals.... never have!!! everything is made to feed an army, just the way I roll!!

2) I have the ability to look COMPLETELY different on a daily basis! I know it sounds weird and goes beyond made-up or roll outta bed look. My eyes change colors, my hair does too drastically depending on the weather and the day. Some days I look tan others I dont (iron levels or something i think). I dont know really how all I know is people I work with and see me on a daily basis do double takes all the time and ask oh you dyed ur hair, cut it, got colored lenses, spray tan, or just "really you look like a completely different person then yesterday". I dont know.... call me a gecko!!!

3) I have only dated/married guys with crystal blue eyes!! all but my very first bf all my men have been owners of show stopping baby blues!!! of course lots of people love this feature and might be that shallow to only date men that do, I however am not one of them.... it just so happened that way i guess... took me years to realize and find it kinda funny!!

4) I eat mustard on EVERYTHING!!! and this is my all time fav... Koops Horseradish spicy brown.. now here is the kicker, i use it as a salad dressing but most often that is what i dip my veggies in. Yep, plate of raw broc, carrots and colli with a pile of this stuff??? WHAT! One happy girl here. And dont knock it till you try it... my brand new boss turned up her nose Friday at the idea.. guess what she had monday at lunch? U guessed it, her own bottle next to her veggies for lunch!!! Its just that good (and much healthier than anything else)

5) I talk to myself ALOT. If it was just in private I guess that would be one thing, but lol I got no prob talking to myself in public as well! I have always joked this is why i have always had pets cause if you walk in on me talking i can say "i was fussing at the dog"... now i just dont care and admit it!

6) At age 29 i can honestly say I have almost NEVER finished reading a book. Even the rare few I have gotten into by the time I get back to it I have either forgotten or lost interest in it. That however did change a few months ago with the Hunger Games and eagerly looking for more that I can enjoy. I do finally see the pleasure of "curling up to a good book"!! Boy is my sis ever so happy

7) I wear SOCKS!! most of the time 2 pair. Definitely in the winter im sporting some thick soccer like socks that go up to my knees then another pair! My feet get super cold and once they do I am miserable... like really, dont talk to me or ill bite your head off cause i cant feel my lower extremities kinda pain thing. It gets bad. And yeah when people arent looking i have been known to slip on a 3rd pair just to keep warm!! ;)

8) Im a salt lover. I have just started eating some sweets but give me a bag of pretzels over a cookie any day.

9) on that note i am jealous of people who can bake!!! Something about it takes my breath away.... I cant do it!!! I blame it on my style of cooking though... im a looker, taster and pot stirrer!! Crock pots, casseroles and all things like that just dont suite me. But to take it to the next level and create a beautiful made from scratch cake and icing and all??? IM GREEN WITH ENVY!!

10) I am a loner. Something that has just developed over years of being broken down, isolated and hurt. I ran with the wrong crowd for so long too now its hard for me to feel comfortable and fit in to normal life either (there is a whole reason why but....). anyway, I am outgoing .... its just shy!! ;) Moving on....

11) I am a Daddy's girl. Point blank, born one and will die one. The bond we had cant be described, replaced or mimicked. Thats another reason I'm still a "Bourque". I told dad a long time ago I hated the fact I wasnt a boy and couldnt keep His last name... I have always been proud to be a Bourque, and thus I didnt change my name. I always wanted to be known as his daughter.... now it means more to me than ever.

Anyways............. enough about me, lets see what mel wants to know!!!!! lol about me!! ;)

1. What are your biggest pet peeves, not including traffic issues? (We all have traffic issues.)
        I HATE when people leave long messages on VM... like to the point that it cuts them off!! AND THEN CALL BACK and leave a second one to finish!!! lol especially since i am the type not to listen to it the first place and just call when i see i missed a call.... so irritating and then they have the nerve to say... well i told u in the email!!! BAHAAA 12 mins in!!! dont you dare.
2. If you could go on an all-expense paid vacation & take one person, who would you take & where would you go?
  Me and Daddy.. Australia
3. If you could do anything you wanted for your next birthday, what would you do? (Money is no object & everything is okay to eat!)
   hmmmm, the big 30 i would love to spend on the beaches of Hawii.... thats it.. really im simple
4. What is your favorite play or musical? If you do not have one, how are we friends? (Totally kidding. I don't watch football, it all evens out!) lol, well thanks to my sis and mom, dad and I were forced to sit through many!!! but really no Beauty and the Beast by far, saw the broadway and it was Amazing!!!
4. What are some of your favorite girl names? Favorite boy names? I cant say my girls name bc i have had it picked out for years and wont share it. However, anything unique i Love and by unique it doesnt have to be "Ski Apple Van blah blah blah... but something unique to u give a certain flare that is special to any name i think
5. What is the biggest lesson you have learned in life?
   Life is short, I know nothing, and i truly would be nothing without God. Hitting rock bottom was nothing compared to Him breaking me and rebuilding me into His image. I have a LONG way to go till i can look in the mirror and see him Ps 17:15, but yeah thats my lesson
6. What is your favorite recipe? (Link please!) ohhhh, no links to these... all under lock and key!! no really my daddys bread pudding, my gumbo, my moms ettouffee, my maw maws mac and cheese.. you get the drift
7. What is the last book you read? Did you enjoy it? Mocking Jay from the Hunger Games... love it!!!
8. Who is your favorite author or speaker? oh i have neither sorry
9. Which bloggie friends do you hope to meet in real life? lol i only have 3 friends.... hehee
10. What is your nervous habit? I smoke... yeah i know bad and im quiting this month i swear but its my nervous habit
11. What do you hope will happen (that could happen!) in 2012? well i already got my career job!!!! but i would love to buy a house (but that wont happen this year prob), im getting a new (to me) car, and i'll take another raise!! but really i want to be happy thats it, just at the end of the day to be able to thank God for his blessings and I will be happy.
Ok now my turn!!!
1) whats your most vivid childhood memory?
2) what makes you blush?
3) if you were a color what would it be and why so?
4) would you prefer to play in the Olympics or in a symphony?
5) what physically was the most pain you have ever felt?
6) do you prefer email, text or phone call? real letters dont count we all love those!!!
7) how did you meet your mate or if you havent how would you like too?
8) it's raining outside.... your perfect way to spend it would be
9) fav president in the last 30 years?
10) Whats your biggest fear?
11) Finally how has blogging changed your life?
thats it now your turn!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

todays filled with tomorrows.....

Granite I have just rolled into the 3rd week of juggling my 2 new jobs and my new years goals are still fresh in my mind, however with an average of a 67-70 hour work week I am quickly seeing my today's are being filled with "tomorrows". something I am not so fond of. Tomorrow I'll cook that, read this, sort that, buy those, eat that, not do this, get ready for that and so on. This is not a problem to speak of if tomorrow is not the same thing. I want to be prosperous and live in today's and accomplish what I can and let the rest go. Tomorrow will bring itself and a new TODAY!!! If that makes sense. Just something I have had on my mind today that I might embellish on later but food for thought. I know this is short but I have to go to sleep and I cant bring myself to save this and "finish it tomorrow"!!!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The music of God...

As I lay here listening to all the little rain drops falling outside I can't help but hear Gods creativeness in it. Maybe it's my new devotion or the fact that I'm getting up to my ears in crafts lately or just the fact I LOVE rain ( when I don't have to drive in it) but with each drop I can't help but imaging him plopping them down each in their own spot!!! Fred goes there, wilbert on that leaf, mylo gets to sploosh over there an Berta gets thrown on the tin roof!!! And so on!!! He knows every bird that drops from the sky, every hair is numbered, can count the grains of sand in the sea but have we stopped to realize each of these drops he surely counts as he sends them our way? How incredible is that? Right now on this quiet night (lol after the lsu/bama game which it prob wasnt quiet in some houses) is God playing music for us. Guiding each of his wonders by name down on us in each of their specific places to fulfill a purpose. Water the ground?? Maybe. How bout just to exercise his creativity and play a little tune!!! Yep that's what all these guys outside MY window is for tonight. May we ever be in tune with Him and see his work in everything that we take for granted. How sad is it to think so many times i didnt give this pleasure glory back to him? Or just stop and hear the music? Thank u lord for all u do for us and forever blessing us with ur sounds from heaven. Goodnight John boy, Sally Mae, frank, Fredric, dolly, Betty and all u others that have yet to join the symphony!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Had a job interview this am??? Me!! For what you might ask, medical billing and collections that's what. Just so happens that's my degree. Who got a call at 6 pm asking if I can start tomorrow??? ME!!!! Whoooio hooooo!!! She said she had interviews the rest of the week and I would know by Monday. I guess they loved me that much and I love them!!! I start Tomorrow!!! Aughhhhh this is happening so fast no time for nerves!!! Too too awesome a God we serve!!! Both jobs will work around each other and I am so happy!!!! Time to crash, if my mind will let me!!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

HELLO 2012!!!!

     Can i say what a day!!! For starters I guess I should mention that I lost my job... I dont know why people say that?? I didnt lose it, I got CANNED 2 weeks ago. Yep the monday before Christmas a Kitchen manager fired me over a guest complaint, what heart right? anyway, scurried around in the hustle and bustle of joyful shoppers trying to find a job, thank thank the Lord 2 days later I did... relief, now I could celebrate! Anyway, I work at Applebee's now and today was my first day after training on my own, in restaurant industry this means: you know where the crap is kept and you know the food, oh yeah and table numbers help but mainly you get to make money... the green stuff we are used to stuffing in our wallets after a days work. Sure I got paid for training but to us its all about the cash baby! Alright enough about that, so I got a new job yeah!
       The God thing is it forced me to TRUST in him and really rely on him in that season, love how he is so not subtle at times. Funny thing was at Sammys I worked 10-11 shifts a week and was Never off nor had a night off. For the new year I wanted to do some much needed re-evaluating and put my priorities right... God, family, personal... not all work and financial. I also wanted to get back to cooking and start reading for fun (a novel idea to me) but had no time. SO, he did that for me. Also, I REALLY want to get a job in my field (medical) and have been searching for that, but to no real avail yet.
     The past 2 weeks I have had SO much time on my hands and have been able to actually spend more time with my husband than I have in 7 months combine... no lie! God also just granted my hearts desire last month and gave us a house which was an answer to prayer... I know he wouldnt let me lose that with the loss of a bad job anyways. But today as I leave work I had a missed call..... a JOB interview... for tomorrow... AND its medical and the best part HERE in central!!! Now I am by no means getting ahead of myself but WOW that would be great!!! I could still do both jobs and have more time home than I have been used too. Praying for sure about that and so so excited!!!
     SO, jobs lined up.. check, Cooking more... double check... reading, check but on my last "hunger games" and due to my schedule I really wanted something inspirational/devotional. So at sams for my usual carrots, broc, cottage cheese run and I find "discovering joy in your Creativity"???? Oh yes Lord that is for me!! a 12 week devotional that inspires soul searching and creativeness in all areas of your life. How cool is that? I already thanking God for creating people so creative to make things like that for ME!! ;) I am on a roll!
     God spoke to me in October (one year since Daddy went to heaven) and told me last year he carried me and he did 100% and I know people have poured love and prayers into my family, now this year it was time for me to walk and pour out into others. I have taken this past year to focus inward and learn how to breath, eat, sleep, talk, just really function. but now its time, he has worked miracles in me and I am proud to say I can now stand on my own two feet.
2012 holds new and endless possibilities. Some of which are me being selfless and giving more of my time, money and thoughts to others rather than focus on myself. I never thought of being a selfish person but if I am always doing what I want (be it sleeping in, cooking just for us, watching tv, staying home, shopping, ect) how is that not? Its not helping others, sooooo?

2012 I WILL:
  1. Put more effort to be less comfortable in daily living and each time think... hmmmm what else could i maybe do that would make someone else happy!!
  2. Cook, cook, cook. Cost will obviously limit me some but home cooked meals for me, my hubs, mom, paw-paw and whoever else God leads me too. Cooking is a gift and a passion of mine and its time I start using it as such.
  3. crafts. I know this sounds cheesy but the idea is to put my creativity to use. I am very thrifty and love to create just dont. well I want to be productive, see the works and have fun!! so knitting and who knows what else will follow in this area!! How many hours are spent in front of the Tv with nothing to show? too many, so tv off craftiness ON (in a good way)
  4. Exercise. I bought an elliptical so I didnt waste money on monthly gym memberships... now use it!! :)
  5. Point blank... I am a server, God created me as one and I need it to flow as freely outside of work as it does in. 
  6. Let go and let God this year!!! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

New years dinner

So I was off today which is such a novel idea to me still but excited to cook the "new years" dinner!! Got to cook black eyed peas in my new cast iron pot josh gave me for Christmas and make collard greens in an attempt to get him to eat something green!!! ;) and to top it off I'm ending with my creamy banana explosion pudding. All three of these he has never eaten before. I know the poor boy (well he is very much a meat and potato guy so it hard for me to get him to try anything but. Oh and I forgot my buttermilk cornbread!! (from scratch, which is just as easy as jiffy. why I have bought that stuff all these years is beyond me!!) anyway, I am so excited to be home at night and a day spend in the kitchen is a happy day for me!!!